Notifications (Alerts) are used for confirmations and acknowledgments that require minimal user interaction. These event-driven messages appear by overlaying content at the top right of the screen. Learn more about Notifications.
Message content can include authentication, information, confirmation, warnings, and error messages. It is important to specify which type of content the message falls under in order to choose the relevant color and correct Icon.
Message types are assigned appropriate colors and icons to help indicate content and urgency. The available message types are authentication, confirmation, warning, error, and information. Setting the right color and icon for a message ensures people understand the nature of the message at a glance, and that they take appropriate action.

Authentication (B400): Provides a clarify confirmation response to users.
Confirmation (G400): Provides a positive response to user actions.
Warning (Y500): Used to help users avoid error situations. Consists of a description of potential errors.
Error (R500): Shown when something goes wrong, or when the user is denied access.